
Bright Ideas You Can Use This Sunday

brightideas_collage1I’m happy to announce a new book to which I contributed. It is a collection of practical creative ministry ideas that you can use in your Sunday School, Children’s Church, camp, youth group, or other ministry setting with kids. The book categorizes the ideas so that you can find a quick and easy idea whether it is a game, an object lesson, or some other type of activity. It is called Bright Ideas for Children’s Ministry – Volume 1

I’d love for you to purchase your own copy. If you do, please let me know what you think!

Here is the link to the book at Kidology:

And here is the list of chapters and contributors (source: the site):


Object Lessons

1.    Are You Content?
2.    Chocolate Chip Worship
3.    Fire Within
4.    Little People in the Land of Giants
5.    Pistachio Nut
6.    Rat Trap
7.    Shine Your Light Bright
8.    Strength from God
9.    Sweet Words, Sour Words
10.     Temptation
11.     The Only One Who Can Stop You
12.     Watch Those Eggs!


1.    Cornucopia of Blessings
2.    God Looks at the Heart
3.    Popsicle Stick Bible Story
4.    The Bathroom Mirror Bible


1.    Paper, Rock, Scissors Mob Style
2.    Giant Jenga Game
3.    PICK-tionary
4.    The Good or Bad King Game Show
5.    The Most Important Part


1.    Beachball FAQ Final
2.    Being Salt and Light
3.    IM K4K RU?
4.    Kid Connector
5.    Murder Mystery Night
6.    The Primacy of Parents
7.    Transform Your Nursery from Babysitting into Ministry


1.    Chocolate Missionaries
2.    International Flag Prayers
3.    Missions Airplane Experience
4.    Raising Money for Family Missions Trips

Teaching Activity

1.    Be Ready for Christ’s Return
2.    Look Up!
3.    “Palm” Sunday
4.    Prayer Wall
5.    Really Bad Pictures of the Bible
6.    Story Told in Pictures
7.    The Best Choice
8.    The Bug Buffet
9.    The Human Table
10.    The Tabernacle: God With Us


1.    Identity Texting
2.    Skyping Bible Characters
3.    Texting Announcements to Parents
4.    Texting Kids in Church


1.    Generational Worship
2.    God’s Character Dossier
3.    Kids Build Their Own Props
4.    Planning Meaningful Children’s Worship

General Editors: Steven Knight and Karl Bastian

Contributing Authors: Karl Bastian, Andrew Belcher, Ron Brooks, Kaye Chalwell, Rebecca Crews, Jamie Doyle, Keith Ferrin, Josh Goscombe, Bill Gunter, Janelle Hoos, Jesse Joyner, Barney Kinard, Patti Kirkland, Katie Knight, Steven Knight, Tamera Kraft, Joe Mally, Todd McKeever, Kathie Phillips, Megan Rayment, Aaron Strawn, Nicki Straza, and Lindsey Whitney.



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