Jesse Joyner, PhD

Now Bring Me This!

Here’s a game I learned from my friend Brandon Rushin.  The game is called “Now Bring Me This.” Kids love it!  And it’s perfect for 2 kids or over 1,000 kids (not many games can do that).  So you can use it in a classroom, in a Children’s Church service, at camp, in a youth group, or wherever kids are found.  Here’s how it works:

Split the group into multiple teams (if over a hundred kids, then one team per every 30-50 kids)

Tell the kids that you’re going to ask for something.  The first team to produce what you ask for gets a point for their team.  The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!  Its that easy.  

You can come up with your own list of things the kids need to produce, but here is a list to get you started….. (note: the list will look different depending on your setting and what the kids may or may not have access to at the time; this particular list is good for summer camp)

  • a penny, a nickel, a dime, and a quarter (no more, no less)
  • 2 double-A batteries
  • 5 shoelaces (off the shoes) knotted together in a string
  • 10 hats stacked on top of one another, worn by a team member
  • a photograph (either hard copy or on a digital device) of a mother and her son
  • the signatures of 7 adults on your team
  • a signature of an adult from another team 🙂
  • something sticky
  • something with all the colors of the spectrum on it (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
  • a line of 9 kids from shortest to tallest
  • a staple
  • a rubber band
  • something that is alive and visible to the naked eye (non-human)
  • something that glows in the dark
  • a kid with 8 sunglasses on their face
  • a human pyramid three levels high (with adult spotters)
  • 15 bandanas tied together
  • 10 kids standing in front of me, each one wearing non-matching socks

If you want to get a little gross with this game, like my friend Keith Connor does, then here are some more….

  • belly button fuzz
  • chewed gum
  • something that looks like puke
  • a fingernail clipping
  • a recently used tissue
  • a kid who can wear another kid’s sock on their head like a hat

Welcome to camp!

Leave a comment with your own lists or ideas…..


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