Jesse Joyner, PhD

This Is Why I Love My Job

j.juggle.25Every so often I hear feedback from people who see my show.  And over the years, I’ve heard the good, the bad, and the ugly.  It’s amazing, though, just how powerful some stories can be in inspiring you to continue doing the job/ministry/vocation you do.  This is one of those letters…..

I recently got this in a facebook message from someone who saw my show.  I’ve changed names and location for privacy purposes.

Jesse –

I help lead the Wed night 1st grade boy’s club class at Maple Street Community Church. I have a young man named Cory with an attention span challenge; it’s often necessary to take him aside so he can calm down & participate with the class.  Our church brought in a puppeteer a few weeks ago who was excellent, and I still found myself spending most of her performance reminding Cory to sit down, quiet down, etc.

I didn’t say a single word to Cory during your performance tonight; he was enthralled. You & I may never know how much of the gospel message that you wove in throughout the performance hit home for Cory, but I can tell you that he heard it. Your juggling was excellent, and it’s always enjoyable to get to see people use their God-given talents to glorify Him; just wanted you to know that from my perspective, the ability to captivate the attention of 6 & 7 year old boys for 80 minutes is a talent that I appreciated as much as the juggling!

May God bless your efforts as you keep planting seeds –

Henry Reagan


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