
Why I Love Trader Joe’s

Disclaimer: Trader Joe’s did NOT pay me to say these things.

I usually hate grocery shopping.  For me, it is one of the most boring activities on the planet.  But not when I’m at Trader Joe’s.  Here’s why I love this little neighborhood grocery store (which is actually a national chain that does a great job at feeling local):

1. Art: Walking through Trader Joe’s is like walking through a retro-hip art museum.  They must spend tons of money on packaging their labeled products and on store signage, because each label and sign is a beautiful symphony of colors, fonts, art, and descriptive content.

2. Samples: They ALWAYS have samples – usually a main dish, then some coffee, then some cheese.  That’s really what keeps me in the store.

3. Size: Trader Joe’s is small.  But they tend to have everything you need.  Small is good because you can get in and out and around in a jiffy.  The only downside is if it is a busy time for the store.

4. Top-Notch Employees: I’ve heard that you need a college education to be a cash register cleark.  Really?  That just shows that they mean business when it comes to hiring quality people (though I personally think a college education, though it helps, is not necessary to be top-notch in your career).  They are positive, enthusiastic, and always ready to help you when you need it.

5. Price and Quality: Trader Joe’s has somehow found a way to bring good tasting (and healthy) products at great prices.  Please keep it up, Joe.

6. Location: Joe’s is not afraid to take on the big dogs and set up shop in central and convenient locations, which are already cluttered with other grocery chains.  If you provide a quality product, people will come.

7. Kids: Having a kid, its nice to know that Trader Joe’s has that little hiding stuffed animal in the store.  If your child finds it, they get some sort of prize.  Kezzie has never found it, but then again, she’s a little young to really search for it, but I’m looking forward to that day!

What do you love about Trader Joe’s?


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