
Happy All Saints Day!

November 1st is a day where Christians worldwide celebrate the saints who have gone before us in the faith. Preacher Charles Spurgeon implored parents to teach many things to their children, including the “deeds of the martyrs and reformers” (see the slide below). When we teach our children the stories of the saints, we are helping them to find themselves in this grand story of God’s goodness working through the lives of people all over the world throughout all of history. It gives us all hope that God will continue to work in our lives today and in the lives of those who come after us.

Praying for the Children of Israel and Palestine:

I lived and studied in Israel and Palestine when I was a college student. While there I met many people from different faith and ethnic backgrounds. For that reason, the current events of the Israel-Hamas war feel very near to me and my heart breaks for the pain of the Israelis who were terrorized as well as the innocent civilians in both Israel and Palestine (Gaza/West Bank) who are experiencing the daily trauma of war. I especially think of the children, no matter what side of the war they are on. I think all of humanity can agree that these children, regardless of their nationality, did not sign up for this.

Please join me in praying for the peace of Jerusalem. In the words of David the Psalmist:

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
    “May those who love you be secure.
May there be peace within your walls
    and security within your citadels.”
For the sake of my family and friends,
    I will say, “Peace be within you.”
For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
    I will seek your prosperity.-Psalm 122:6-9

Below is a recording of Psalm 122 put to music by Sir Hubert Parry, sung by the Choir of King’s College in Cambridge:

Additionally, I’d like to share a couple of video resources with you that Sarah and I found helpful as we are trying to better understand the historical dynamics that pertain to what is happening in Israel and Palestine today:

First is a video lecture on the history of the Gaza Strip (going back to Biblical times) from Dr. Henry Abramson at Touro University in Brooklyn, NY:

Secondly, I would like to share a link to a documentary film that explores the daily life of everyday people in Gaza (before the current war started). The film is from 2019 and is simply titled Gaza. Below is the trailer, and then you can find the best way to stream it in its entirety on your video streaming platforms (for example, Amazon FreeVee has it right now)…

Why We Learn

The School of Athens by Raphael, 1509-1511, The Vatican

This is my favorite time of year. The weather will be cooling down soon (hopefully :). Sarah and I celebrate our anniversary next month. My birthday is shortly thereafter. The leaves will be turning. But it’s not just all those things. School is back in session. And for some reason, I have always loved school (call me a glutton for punishment). Our three children will all be returning to school this week or next – and we are so excited for them to see their friends and get in the routine of school again.

But this causes me to ponder a bigger question: Why do we learn in the first place? Why do we all value education so highly?

I have a theory, and it’s nothing new. Here me out…

What is a society’s greatest resource or asset?

It’s not oil, gold, wheat, finance, technology, or tourism.

The answer is “people.” We are our own greatest assets – both individually and collectively. Biblically, we are the part of creation made in God’s own image. We are collectively God’s masterpiece (Eph 2:10). We are his piece de resistance, his magnum opus.

“So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Genesis 1:27 NLT

Therefore, though finite beings (in terms of our physical earthly bodies), we are of infinite value. And we must steward this human resource (ourselves) to whatever extent we can. The greatest things you can invest in are not Roth IRAs (those are great too), but yourself and others. When we are all learning, forming, and developing, we are constantly growing into the people God has called us to be so that we can better serve one another in this world and bring glory to Him. In other words, when we are all learning, the world is a better place.

Traditional schooling is just one form of education. When I say “education,” I mean lifelong learning, whether formally or informally. I also mean wholistic formation, not just head knowledge. We need to continually grow in wisdom, virtue, and love. This might be the time of year when traditional schools are back in session, but education and learning is much bigger than “back to school.”

May this time of year be a reminder to us all that we all need to grow and continually learn no matter what stage of life we’re in. Though it cost all we have, may we get wisdom. 

“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Cherish her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you.”

Proverbs 4:7-8, NIV

Why we need summer camp more than ever

Devotions at the lake at Lake Forest Ranch, Macon, MS

Screens and digital devices are not inherently evil, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to observe that the overuse of them can lead to unhealthy effects – especially for children and youth.

The Mayo Clinic points out that the overuse of screens for young people can lead to such negative outcomes as “obesity, irregular sleep, behavioral problems, impaired academic performance, violence, and less time for play.” (Source)

Furthermore, screens and social media provide a type of stimulation that Pediatrician Michael Rich calls “impoverished.” Here is how Debra Bradley Ruder from Harvard Medical School puts it….

“Much of what happens on screen provides ‘impoverished’ stimulation of the developing brain compared to reality, [Michael Rich] says. Children need a diverse menu of online and offline experiences, including the chance to let their minds wander.”
-Debra Bradley Ruder, Harvard Medical School (Source)

That is why, I believe, summer camp can be such a powerful place for today’s young people. Camp provides an environment where kids are provided quite a “diverse menu” of almost exclusively offline experiences (if not, completely).

According to Christian Camp researcher Jacob Sorenson, summer camp “is one of the last places in existence where young people set aside their mobile devices for more than a few hours at a time” (Sacred Playgrounds, pp. 76-77). Sorenson found in his research that though it might be a challenge at first for some youth to “de-screen” for a time, the campers themselves report that they are glad to put away the screens at camp:

“Campers will readily admit that if they were at home, they would be on their phones, tablets, or gaming systems. But they see the value of having a respite, and they appreciate simple things like people looking them in the eyes.”
-Jacob Sorenson, Sacred Playgrounds, p. 77

I will be heading out to my first of many weeks of summer camp this weekend, as I have for 15 years. And I am convinced now more than ever of the irreplaceable value such an experience provides for young people, much due to the powerful grip that technology and social media have on the physical and mental health of our youth today. I think we all agree that they (and us adults too) could use a week or two outdoors, spending time in-person with friends and growing in their faith journey with God.

Please keep me in your prayers this summer, that I might serve faithfully in ways that benefit the campers, my camp hosts, and all the camp staff. Pray also for my family, as we will be apart for some of the camps. But thankfully we have a chance to be together for some of the camps as well.