Jesse Joyner, PhD

Book Review: 9 Things They Didn’t Teach Me in College About Children’s Ministry by Ryan Frank

9 Things They Didn't Teach Me in College About Children's Ministry

At the Children’s Pastor’s Conference in Orlando, FL a few weeks ago, I ran into my friend Ryan Frank.  Ever since I’ve known Ryan, I’ve admired his passion, commitment, and leadership in the world of children’s ministry.  I’ve had the chance to work with him a few times at the church at which he serves near Marion, IN.  And it is fun to see him in action with the kids.

Standard Publishing just released his new book, 9 Things They Didn’t Teach Me in College About Children’s Ministry.  Designed to look like an informal steno notebook, this paperback is a fast read and full of practical hands-on wisdom for the busy children’s pastor.  His advice, as the title suggests, comes from the trenches of working the daily and weekly grind of children’s ministry rather than from armchair theologizing at a lecturer’s podium.  He gives props to his college education.  But like anything, there’s plenty more to learn after graduation day.

He has chapters on recruiting volunteers, working with budgets, working with senior pastors, and dealing with conflict, among other things.  He creatively weaves in feedback from Facebook friends on various topics as well as helpful interviews from other children’s ministry leaders around the country.  I commend this book to anyone who works with kids in ministry, whether paid staff or volunteer.  Here’s the link to the book on amazon:


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