Jesse Joyner, PhD

Children Now Workshop

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Friends, I have some exciting news! I will be facilitating a children’s ministry workshop on Apr 2nd and the full-day cost is ONLY $10! All the info is right here below….

Ascent College | Children Now

Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 | 10 AM – 3 PM | $10 per person

Bethel Temple Church – 1705 Todds Lane, Hampton, VA 23666

703-753-2791 /

Children Now

Join us for a day full of fun, interactive learning as we explore how and why children matter NOW in the church community. Not only are children the future of the church, but they are the NOW of the church. Nearly a third of the world’s population is under 18, which means they matter in the world and in God’s plans in the world. We believe that children can fully experience God and live out their callings even now. They don’t have to wait until they grow up to do big things for God. Furthermore, Jesus held up children as role models of faith, which means that as adults, we need to shift our view of children and begin seeing them as ones who can teach us about faith and Spirit-filled living. Join us as we learn how to have a church that actively involves children in the intergenerational worshipping community – not tomorrow, but NOW.

Event Schedule – April 2nd. 2022

There will be two workshop modules – one for ALL ministry leaders and volunteers (the morning) and the second for Children’s Ministry leaders, parents, and volunteers (the afternoon). You may attend one or both modules. The workshops are designed to be collaborative and interactive rather than lecture-centered. Dr. Joyner will act more as a facilitator of learning than a lecturer. Please come with your own stories, ideas, and experiences of how the larger church can spiritually grow with and from children. There will be opportunities for participants to contribute ideas from their own churches regarding how to integrate children into the wider worshipping community.

Workshop A – Geared toward all church leaders and volunteers

10am………..Ministry with Children

11am……………..Intergenerational Ministry

11:45am……………….How to Support Your Children’s Leaders, Parents, and Volunteers

LUNCH HOUR 12:15pm

(on your own but encouraged to go out in groups to continue networking and fellowshipping)

Workshop B – Geared toward Children’s Ministry leaders and volunteers

1:15pm………..Five Fun and Awesome Children’s Ministry Ideas You Can Use This Sunday

2:15pm……………..Self-Care and Simplicity (or “How to Avoid Burnout”)

3:00pm……………………Teaching the Bible to Children

Workshop Facilitator

Workshop facilitator Jesse Joyner (PhD) is a children’s evangelist/entertainer, former children’s pastor, and professor at Ascent College. Dr. Joyner has over twenty years of experience speaking and ministering internationally with tens of thousands of children at churches, children’s camps, and other Christian outreach events. He still volunteers once a month for the children’s ministry at his home church in Richmond, VA. He and his wife, Sarah, have three school-aged children and are learning about God daily from and through their own kids. Dr. Joyner earned his PhD in Educational Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Click Here to Register Today!


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