Jesse Joyner, PhD

Presenting the Gospel to Children by Matt Rucker


This presentation of the Gospel comes from a friend of mine named Matt Rucker. Everything below is from him. I cut out a few of the diagrams (and their instructions) because they did not translate between his format and my format. But the core content is all here…..

Gospel Message for Children
*Before you present, hand 7 children 1 balloon with the following attributes of God: Creator, good, loving, holy, right, perfect, and Lord (these words are underlined below). While you present, have the child hold up their different attribute of God. This is all for the sake of engaging the kids. Here are the following supplies you will need for your presentation:
• 1 small mirror
• 1 small whiteboard, marker, and eraser
• 7 balloons with the attributes of God written on them

1. Who is God?
b. God is everyone’s uncreated Creator. He has always been and no one was before Him.
i. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1).
ii. What are some things God has made?
c. God is good and loving to create all people.
i. God didn’t need to create us, but He did any way because He loves us.
ii. Who is someone you know who loves you? Did you know God loves you more than anyone else ever could? More than your mom, dad, brothers, and sisters.
d. God created you so that you can look more like Him.
i. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27).
ii. God wants you to be His mirrors everywhere you go. Visual: hold up a mirror.
iii. God wants you to show others His love, kindness, and peace. Unfortunately, we are not always loving or kind.

2. Why are we not like Him?
a. All people everywhere are not like God because we do bad things.
i. for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23).
ii. These bad things are what the Bible calls sin. What are some of the bad things you do?
iii. Are you mean to your brother or sister? Do you disobey your parents? Do you say bad words? We all have done bad things.
iv. God is holy, right, and perfect and deals with the bad things that we do.
v. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).
vi. When you do bad things, how are you punished? Are you asked to sit in time out, do you get a spanking, or do your parents take your toys away from you?
vii. When we do bad things God needs to punish us. The Bible says that we get death because of our sin. That means that we are forever away from God. Visual-draw the following picture:


b. No one is good enough to get to God by themselves because of the bad things they have done.
i. What are some of the good things you do?
ii. If we want to get to God, then we have to be perfect and never do anything bad. This is why God sent His perfect Son, Jesus.

3. How can we get back with Him?
a. God has sent Jesus to take away our sin by dying on the cross
i. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
ii. God knew we couldn’t get to Him so He came down to us and sent Jesus.
iii. Jesus never did anything bad and died in our place to take away all our sin. Like a bridge Jesus’ death brings us back to God. Visual-draw the following picture:

God Jesus Us

b. We can live forever with God because Jesus has risen from the dead
i. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
ii. If we want to be with God forever and have our sins taken away, then we must say that Jesus is Lord. That means that you believe Jesus is your king and master. That you trust Him, want to obey Him, and make Him happy by the way you live.
iii. We must also believe that Jesus rose from the dead. If we do this the Bible promises to us that we are saved, which means that we will be with God forever and all the bad things in our lives are taken away for good.
iv. If you want to be with God forever than your must do your ABC’s:
. Admit that you have done bad things.
. Believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day.
. Confess that Jesus is your Savior and Lord.
v. If you have never done this, you can know Jesus through praying a prayer like this one: “Lord Jesus I admit that I have done bad things. I believe that you died on the cross to take me away from all my sin. I believe that on the 3rd day you rose from the dead, so that I can live forever with God. I now confess you to be my Savior and Lord. Come into my life. In your name we pray. Amen.”


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