Jesse Joyner, PhD

Teaching kids a Biblical view of work

I recently attended a conference called the Faith at Work Summit.  It was an exciting three days of speakers and workshops exploring the meaning of work through the lens of the Christian faith. Christians often separate (either intentionally or unintentionally) their Sunday morning life from their Monday through Friday life. This conference asks how Christians can live out their faith every day of the week no matter what their work in life may be.

Free curriculum from Helen C. Kim and Gospel Shaped Family

I sat in on a workshop called Faith at Work for Kids and Youth, facilitated by Helen Kim. I was encouraged by her focus on children regarding this topic, because normally we hear only about how adults are forming an understanding of how to integrate their faith into their work-life. But like many important topics in life, the earlier you start the training, the better.

So Helen wrote a curriculum that teaches kids about the Biblical foundation of work through God’s eyes. Not only that, but she offers the curriculum for FREE. You can download it and use it today by visiting this link:

The reason I get excited about this is because I feel that sometimes the church does a disservice to children when we communicate to them (either explicitly or implicitly) that only pastors or missionaries are the “spiritual” callings in life and that when someone is “called to ministry,” these are their options. We need to instead communicate to children that we are all called to minister in whatever job/career path down which He leads us. The work of a missionary is good work. But so is the work of an engineer or the work of a professional tuba player. We are called to different types of work in this life to serve God and others through that work. Together we are building towards a heavenly Kingdom that will be consummated in due time with the return of Jesus.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 (ESV)


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