Jesse Joyner, PhD

Friday Trivia

question markI love trivia. I especially love random trivia that blows your mind. Here is something I recently learned that will blow your mind. Do you know the answer?

Name a species of bird (that most of you have probably heard of before) that was one of the most abundant animals in North America (numbered in the billions) in the 19th Century but dropped to complete extinction by the second decade of the 20th Century.

Note: Since someone might have the answer in the comments, make sure you guess your final answer before reading through the comments.

If you get the answer right, then you have to ask me a trivia question too!

Ready, set, go!

1 response to “Friday Trivia”

  1. Rach Avatar


    Which is larger: a soccer field or an American football field? (at pro level)


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