Circus 4 Ever

195865_212016565480292_622055_nI’ve got some exciting news. I have partnered with some other jugglers from the Christian Jugglers Association and we are happy to introduce to you a non-profit called Circus 4 Ever. This is an organization that exists to make an eternal impact on lives around the globe using juggling and circus arts. Our primary objectives are to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by helping to fund mission outreach efforts that incorporate the circus arts, to provide circus arts training and equipment for kids around the world, and to help meet both spiritual and physical needs in the process. Check it out by clicking here to learn more or to make a tax-deductible donation.

Teaching Kids Godly Character at Home

Here is a great real-life example of a family in our church who is living out Deuteronomy 6:7 in their home (“Impress them [God’s commands] on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”). Click on the link below to read about it:

Do You Dream of Puppets Too?

Dreaming of a full size puppet theater in the basement of our church – performing character-building and Bible-lesson puppet shows for kids and families in our city. Wednesday morning storytimes, Friday evening family nights, all sorts of applications. Widely publicized to maximize community participation. Even kids can learn and perform the puppets.

Sketches are next, then fund-raising, then building, then recruiting. I love my job.