Jesse Joyner, PhD

Category: Creativity

  • Consecrating Our Work Unto the Lord

    The following is the text of the sermon that I preached at Eternity Church in Richmond, VA on January 30, 2022: Consecrating Our Work Unto the Lord Scripture Genesis 2:15 15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. Genesis 3:17-19a 17 And…

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  • The Joy of Teaching Circus Arts

    Some people may think that the circus is a dying form of entertainment. But I am here to tell you that it is alive and well. Despite the recent closing of the legendary Ringling Brothers circus show, other iterations of the circus are on the rise. And the younger generation is picking up on this,…

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  • Teaching kids to use their talents for good

    When I was in elementary and middle school, I was small. I couldn’t keep up with the stronger kids in the popular sports like football and basketball. I was pushed around and bullied by the bigger kids. Then I discovered a unique talent – juggling. While in fifth grade, my friend Tim taught me how…

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  • What toy will be the next “fidget spinner”?

    If you work with kids, then you saw the fidget spinner come and go this past summer. The popularity of this fad toy (which has actually been around for quite some time) peaked sometime in June 2017. But by July and August, it seemed that every child in North America had at least a dozen…

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  • These kids ran away with the circus…

    I’m so proud of the first class of students of Camp Carnival RVA! This was the first circus arts camp of its kind ever in the state of Virginia. Every day for two weeks, these kids got to “run away” from home and join a variety of instructors who taught them the ins and outs…

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  • Fidget Spinner Bible Lesson

    So here’s a way to teach a Bible lesson using a fidget spinner…. What Really Lasts? Bring and show off as many of these fad toys as you can find (show pictures if you don’t have the actual toy): the hula hoop Lincoln Logs the pet rock the Rubix Cube Slinky the slap bracelet Beanie…

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  • Awesome Crowd Game Ideas

    I do a lot of large group events. I’m always on the lookout for games that are fun and easy for huge crowds. When people come together in large groups, there is a lot of potential energy that can be tapped in the form of socialization, laughter, competition, and shared human experiences. So here are…

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  • The Thanksgiving Tree

    My wife and I had a debate a few nights ago over the meaning of the Christmas Tree. What ensued was a discussion about the “why” behind traditions that we often just take for granted. She doesn’t want to do things just because “we’ve always done it that way.” She likes to know the meaning…

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