
Bird’s Eye View of Juggling

One of my summer interns, Forrest, made this demo video.  I like how it shows a bird’s eye view of juggling.  Enjoy!

6 responses to “Bird’s Eye View of Juggling”

  1. jesse Avatar

    I didn’t know you could jump a unicycle like that, Forrest! Way to go.

  2. Sarah Joyner Avatar
    Sarah Joyner

    Just testing to see if this comment thing works.

    1. Nick A. Avatar
      Nick A.

      Sarah, LOL

      1. Yeniree Avatar

        If any of this ever happened, I feel sorry for the kid bowlnig, and the juggler himself. He must’ve felt pretty bad, he was just trying to make some people laugh.. I hope the kid got out all right? The man in the blue shirt pretty much should have seen that coming, I suppose you unplug the lamp first? If any of this happened, anyway.

        1. Jesse Avatar

          If you’re referring to the viral YouTube video of the bowling ball hitting the kid in the head, I think and hope it’s fake.

  3. Juggler Avatar

    Good stuff


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