Numbers Memory Verse

This is the blessing to Aaron and his sons that God commanded Moses to tell Aaron. One thing I love about this blessing is that following this blessing, God then tells Moses, “so they [Aaron and his sons] will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them” (v. 27).

Wow. God shines on us so that we may “put his name” on those around us (so that they may be blessed by God). Think about that.

Leviticus Memory Verse

This week’s memory verse of the week (MVOTW) comes from Leviticus, the oft forgotten book of laws and regulations in the Old Testament. We can’t ignore the richness of this book, as God reminds us where we once were and how he has rescued us. He has enabled us to hold our heads high!

Exodus Memory Verse

Here we are at week 2 of memorizing a verse from each book of the Bible in a year. This week’s verse comes from the Song of Moses and Miriam found in Exodus 15. They are praising God for delivering them from the hands of the Egyptian army after fleeing from them and making it through the parted waters of the Red Sea (while Pharaoh’s soldiers and chariots did not). God alone is God. There is no other. No one, no god, and no thing can hold a candle to his awesome and majestic holiness.