
Category: Book Reviews

  • Books for Christian Ministry with Children

    I’d like to share some resources that have helped me over the years while working with children and families in church ministry contexts. You’ll notice one book in this list that seems out of place (the Jonestown one). I included that as a narrative about how NOT to lead families and children in ministry. It…

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  • How Not to Lead: The Story of Jim Jones

    I just finished a new book by Jeff Guinn and published by Simon and Schuster (2017) called The Road to Jonestown: Jim Jones and Peoples Temple. Before reading it, I had been aware of the general story of what happened in Guyana in 1978 and how a crazy cult leader somehow led over 900 people…

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  • Book Review: 9 Things They Didn’t Teach Me in College About Children’s Ministry by Ryan Frank

    At the Children’s Pastor’s Conference in Orlando, FL a few weeks ago, I ran into my friend Ryan Frank.  Ever since I’ve known Ryan, I’ve admired his passion, commitment, and leadership in the world of children’s ministry.  I’ve had the chance to work with him a few times at the church at which he serves…

    Read More: Book Review: 9 Things They Didn’t Teach Me in College About Children’s Ministry by Ryan Frank
  • How to Live Well Without Owning a Car

    OK, I still own a car. But this blog title is also the title of a book by Chris Balish which I just checked out from my local library (to which I can easily walk and/or unicycle). Sarah and I have been influenced by this book recently, as we now bike more frequently, and we…

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  • Book Review: Financial Peace, Revisited

    I just finished Financial Peace, Revisited by Dave Ramsey with thoughts by Sharon Ramsey (Viking, 2003). I blasted through this book, both because of its readability and since the subject matter is very practical. I have been listening to this guy’s podcasts recently and his conservative Puritan view towards money (hard work ethic, no borrowing,…

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  • Book Review – No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green

    Melody Green and David Hazard, No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2000), 392 pgs. (Paperback) After graduating from seminary, I all of a sudden have time to read non-required reading. I started with No Compromise by Melody Green, the wife of the late Keith Green. Keith was one…

    Read More: Book Review – No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green


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